02 Strategie

How do you reach the right guests and turn website visitors into future guests? No hotel is the same, and each hotel therefore has unique challenges and wishes. A marketing strategy is always tailored to your challenges. Using a clear and measurable customer journey ensures that your hotel grows demonstrably. By reaching the right guests and learning from their activities, more direct bookings will be made.

nk marketing tailor made digital marketing strategies for hotels.
nk marketing tailor made digital marketing strategies for hotels.


Hoe bereik je de juiste gasten en hoe maak je van deze website bezoekers toekomstige gasten? Geen hotel is hetzelfde en elk hotel heeft daarom ook unieke uitdagingen en wensen. Een marketingstrategie wordt dan ook altijd op maat gemaakt voor jouw uitdagingen.Het inzetten van een duidelijke meetbare customer journey zorgt dat je hotel aantoonbaar groeit. Door de juiste gasten te bereiken en van hun activiteiten te leren,  zullen er meer directe reserveringen gemaakt worden.


Reaching the right target audience at the right time through SEO & SEA.


Providing the guest with the right information by constantly analyzing and optimizing the website.


Ensuring that the guest actually makes that reservation with you.


Turning a guest into an ambassador for your hotel.


Reaching the right target audience at the right time through SEO & SEA.


Providing the guest with the right information by constantly analyzing and optimizing the website.


Ensuring that the guest actually makes that reservation with you.


Turning a guest into an ambassador for your hotel.